Christ’s Followers


Sun. - 10 AM Sun. School, 11:30 AM Worship Service | Wed. - 7PM Small Groups -Kids group

by: pararr Jones



Do to the constant changes in our society today, some words meaning have been alter.  There was a time that the word Christian really meant something, but today anybody by definition can be a Christian as long as they have standards that include good deeds and behavior.  But according to Scripture, “Jesus said if you love me , keep my commandments.”  A Christ Followers allow Jesus to be in absolute control of their daily life.  Todays Christian live just about anyway they want and continue to called themselves Christian.  The question that you must ask yourself is: Am I a true CHRIST-FOLLOWERS or just a 2022 Christian in name only?  To be continue… .

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Do to the constant changes in our society today, some words meaning have been alter.  There was a time that the word Christian really meant something, but today anybody by definition can be a Christian as long as they have standards that include good deeds and behavior.  But according to Scripture, “Jesus said if you love me , keep my commandments.”  A Christ Followers allow Jesus to be in absolute control of their daily life.  Todays Christian live just about anyway they want and continue to called themselves Christian.  The question that you must ask yourself is: Am I a true CHRIST-FOLLOWERS or just a 2022 Christian in name only?  To be continue… .

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