
Sun. - 10 AM Sun. School, 11:30 AM Worship Service | Wed. - 7PM Small Groups -Kids group


Due to the various changes in the world today.  The true Christian MUST learn the different methods of how to apply God's Words to their lives.  It begins with Ones commitment to become Christ center in their daily spiritual walk.  These different aspects are discussed in our weekly services in full details.  To be Christ center, a Christian must have the mindset to do all for the Glory of the God.  This is trusting your decision- making process to rely on your fundamental Biblical base conscious, mindset.   Remember what your put in , is what going to come out.  Therefore, feed your mind /conscious the right kind of information so that you can trust your when are under attack or extreme pressure.       


The teenage years are probably the most exciting yet frustrating of our entire lifetime.  Today's teens face challenges completely different from those of previous generations. Most of the stress comes from school, family, employment, intimate relationship, peer pressure and college plans    Some of the negative influences you may encounter today include drugs and alcohol. promiscuity, suicide and violence Some of these pressures were unheard of when our parents was young adults.  The only negative thing they faced  were smoking and alcohol and some sexual activities. Today promiscuity seems to be the norm.  In the past generation the family unit consist of a Mom and Dad. Today, one third of kids don't live with their natural fathers.  Over fifteen million children grow up in homes without any father.  And throughout most of the 1970 and 80's, one million kids a year watched their parents spilt up.  Unfortunately, today teens face difficult that many of us never even imagined.

To compound matter, the teen and young adults are trying to find their own identity  Relationships are the upmost importance. This generation probably spend most of their time in fast food places, sport fields and stores.  Regardless of the place, you usually spend time with the same people and do the things they normally do together. That's why your choices of friends is so important.

The teen years are marked by several stages of "Changes."  Understanding these changes will help the young adults and teens understand themselves. The first stage you will experience is referred to as the hormonal changes. During this phase you experience an "adolescent growth spurt," or growing pains.  This time can be embarrassing and difficult. The next phase is the intellectual or cognitive stage.  You are beginning to comprehend cause and effect during this time.  Third. you face identity formation. During this time you seem to be on am emotional roller coaster.  This is probably because of your physical changes and awareness of developing sexuality.